Matt Taibbi
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Memorable quotes from a lifelong journey of curiosity, learning, and growth
The only trouble with capitalism is capitalists. They’re too darn greedy.
[Note: CEO pay has risen from 42 times the compensation of the average worker in 1980 to 340 times currently, a 756 percent rise after inflation, while the real income of the average worker has barely kept pace with the cost of living.]
I learn not as a chore to check off my list, nor as a route to self-improvement, but because I'm excited about something. That's the only way to learn.
Yes, capitalism has bestowed its blessings unevenly. But it has bestowed them liberally, as living standards have risen all over the industrialized world. Those blessings are now spreading through the emerging economies of South America and Southeast Asia, including India and China, whose economy, within the next two decades, will surpass even America’s powerful economic engine.